To access Always Children First Childminding Training, information or supports, please contact your local Childminding Development Officer, based in City and County Childcare Committees nationally. There is also further information on Child Safeguarding contained in the ‘My Childminding Service Handbook’
The Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Childminding Services) Regulations 2024 are now available. The regulations have been written to reflect the home and family setting in which childminders work and the unique features of childminding, while providing important safeguards for children and offering safety and quality assurance for parents.
There will be a transition period of three years following the commencement of the Regulations. During this 3-year transition period, childminders will be able to register with Tusla, but they will not be required to do so.
Please see links to:
For more information, please contact your local City/County Childcare Committee and they will put you in touch with a Childminding Development Officer.