The National Child Safeguarding Programme is responsible for the development and provision of child safeguarding training, supports and resources to Early Learning and Childcare services nationally. This training is facilitated by trainers in City/County Childcare Committees and CNNG.
This training programme considers the unique position of Childminders and the home environment in keeping children safe from harm.
This training can be attended by Childminders, their family members and emergency cover persons.
Prior to attending the Always Children First Training, participants are required to complete the Tusla Children First e-learning programme and the Tusla Mandated Person e-learning programme.
26th April 2025
9:30am to 4:30pm
Dillons Hotel
27 Upper Main Street, F92 E30F Letterkenny
This programme has been developed to support Childminders to understand their responsibilities under the Children First National Guidance 2017 and the Children First Act, 2015 and considers the unique position of Childminders and the home environment in keeping children safe from harm.
19th & 26th March 2025
7:00pm to 10:00pm
Nenagh Cashel
This programme has been developed to support Childminders to understand their responsibilities.
5th April 2025
9:30am to 5:00pm
Longford County Childcare Committee,
Richmond St N39 YY75 Longford
Always Children First training is required by those who have not completed it previously or whose certificate is out of date. This full day's training will:
All trainers participate in rigorous training and quality assurance processes to ensure consistency in training nationally and fidelity to the programme.