Who Should Complete the Tusla ELearning Programme

The Tusla ELearning Programme was developed by Tusla and the HSE and is accessible to everybody. The programme outlines everybody’s responsibility under the Children First National Guidance 2017 and under the Children First Act (2015).

The Tusla ELearning Programme should be completed by everybody who works in, volunteers in, or is involved in the management of an Early Learning and Care Service. This includes all staff including kitchen staff, caretakers and ancillary staff within a service. Certificates of completion should be printed off and held in the file of each staff member.

Some of the topics included in the Tusla ELearning Programme include:

  • Recognising and reporting child abuse
  • The role of Mandated Persons
  • The responsibilities of organisations working with children to safeguard children
  • The role of designated liaison persons

This programme is the baseline level of providing staff and relevant stakeholders with information on keeping children safe. All Designated Liaison Persons and Deputy Liaison Persons should also attend the Always Children First Foundation Level Programme through their local CCC, Childminding Ireland or CNNG as relevant

A short introductory video on the Tusla ELearning Programme is available:


The Tusla Children First ELearning programme is available:
